Welcome to Dragonscale Clippings

Inside the mind of a writer...

My motto for 2012: Quality, not quantity

I am currently exploring the sensation of Sound...

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Virtual Fruit Cake

That's not implying I am one...

I'd like to share some virtual fruit cake with you. I made a large fruit cake for the week my partner and I took off recently. We didn't go away. We made furniture for the office, bought things we needed and I also did a lot of gardening. 

We were both tired. We needed to do something crative which tied in with practical things that needed to be done around the house. We ate small slices of my fruit cake for tea in the afternoons, drinking herbal tea with it; chamomile, blackcurrant or fennel. We listened to more music. We hardly watched any TV. Instead we re-watched the original Star Wars films in the evenings. 

The fruit cake was succulent and firm but it wasn't heavy at all. There were great chunks of dried fruit in it; fig, date, apricot, pear, apple. The texture was firm yet yielding. The taste was fruity-sweet, not too sweet. It was a treat. It gave us energy when we'd been working hard  physically all day. 

During the week I didn't write any haiku and only a few stones. I stopped thinking about trying to make money out of my writing. I stopped trying to decide what to write next; should I re-write my romace, should I write my planned novel about depression, should I work on my fantasy series or write the final futuristic tale, or should I write more poems and short stories to sell to magazines? 

I rested my mind. I enjoyed gardening. I made tomato soup from my homegrown tomatoes. I read three books; "Pay Attention - A River of Stones", " A Year of Questions" by Fiona Robyn and "Soulforge" by Margaret Weis. I stopped feeling tired. I stopped worrying. I enjoyed being.

Now I'm back in routine and I know where I'm going. I'm working on short stories because they're alive to me at the moment. And in November I'm going to participate in Nanowrimo for the first time ever in order to start my novel about living with depression. 

I love being focused!

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