Welcome to Dragonscale Clippings

Inside the mind of a writer...

My motto for 2012: Quality, not quantity

I am currently exploring the sensation of Sound...

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Sound - 9

the monotone drone of the neighbour's radio filters through double-glazing as he pretends to work in the garden and leaves the radio on by my hedge whilst fiddling around on the opposite side of his garden...


  1. Lawn mowers, well anything with wheels attracts our Son of Son. We have to watch until the lawn service packs up the equipment and drives off.
    Different sounds...I like my birds - though the other day for the first time that I know of a poor dear flew right into my picture window!

    1. your son of son reminds me of my brother when he was a toddler - he loved tractors and had to watch them or ride in them...
      it's sad isn't it when birds fly into windows. I've known birds stunned and then stand up and fly away but others, unfortunately die...
